As a public service, "The Quest for Common Ground" presents the following notice from Southington, CT Town Manager, Garry Brumback.

The Bulky Waste Transfer Station will be open extended hours for one week due to the recent storm (Hurricane Sandy).
Storm debris, leaves and brush ONLY may be dropped off at the Transfer Station, 617 Old Turnpike Road, Plantsville, beginning Monday, November 5, through Saturday, November 10, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Residents who do not already have an annual sticker can get one at the Town Clerk’s office, Town Hall, 75 Main Street, Southington during regular business hours. Proof of residency and vehicle registration are required to receive the sticker. There is no charge.
***Reminder: Please do not mix brush or debris with your leaves…the crew will bypass your house and you will be responsible for removing them should this be necessary.
Garry Brumback, ICMA-CM
Town Manager
(860) 276-6200