STEPS is a community coalition with a mission aimed at growing great kids! We are students, parents, educators, media, clergy, law enforcement representatives, members of the business, professional and health sectors of our town working along with many other community stakeholders.
Parenthetically, I still wonder whether all of the readers of The Quest for Common Ground see the relationship and connections between the diverse stories, reports and commentaries posted here on an invisible cloud somewhere in cyberspace.
Hopefully, most readers see the connections between common ground, the common good and the unity of purpose of communities of people carrying out the respective missions of groups they proactively support and promote throughout the year.
Today, we turn to the common goals of two separate not-for-profit local seervice organizations in a special undertaking seeking the common good on common ground: STEPS and MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).

This Saturday morning, April 21st, the supporters of STEPS and MADD are inviting you to join them at the Town Green in Southington, CT in a joint-effort called "Walk Like MADD". This event, also known as the 'Mother of All Walks', will take place at 8:30 am at the Town Green in Southington, CT and step-off at 9:00 am as STEPS and MADD launch their first-ever joint walk.
The Walk is estimated at almost three miles. A few who cannot go the full distance will surely find that whatever they can do will be most welcome.
Please register now to join Team STEPS at, or just be at the Town Green this Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Saturday.
Let's all get out there and be part of it.
If you have a STEPS T-Shirt, please wear it!
Questions? Contact Rachael Erwin
From John Myers, Executive Director of Southington Cheshire YMCA and President of STEPS Board of Directors.
ReplyDeleteThis week is National Volunteer Week. As many of us know, Southington, CT has been blessed with a volunteer spirit that is rarely matched by other communities. And that certainly stands true with our STEPS Coalition.
I can’t thank you all enough for your selfless commitment to our work with our local youth.
As pioneers of our STEPS movement, you should all feel very proud of our work which has led to forming a strong foundations for generations to come.
Join the "Walk like MADD withs STEPS".
Looking forward to a great year ahead.
Keep smiling!
John Myers
Chairman, Exeutive Board
Executive Director
Southington-Cheshire Community YMCAs