
Friday, August 10, 2012

FBI Investigations in Progress While Growing National Commentary Accelerates in Shooting-Killings in Sikh Temple in Wisconsin

To the surprise of few, headline stories in the mass media continue to arouse interest and grave concerns in last Sunday's mass murder shooting spree in a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

Personally, I'm impressed by the extensive coverage which, while providing fuel for sensationalist-driven members of the media, also opens the doors widely for sober and serious national dialog through the open expression of citizens that is it time for positive, firm and effective action on such senseless and destructive societal behavior.

Coursing through the on line media this morning I ran across a report in the Christian Science Monitor by Mark Guarnino who examines the FBI investigation and one of the suspected motives of the gunman alleged to be a white supremacist but with no evidence as yet as to whether that he acted with or without the knowledge of the group.

I recommend reading it along with the points of other nationally respected periodicals for an across the board sense of the Oak Creek story as the FBI runs its investigation. In this age of daily poll taking on a variety of social issues, it is important to measure the national pulse on how to.

Your views are important to the resulting evaluation. Apathy is a serious deterrent to serious change in the social climate that enables, such domestic terror to occur.

But we must also recognize and understand the ramified roots of such monstrous behavior. At that point, we may have a basis for developing and executing a plan that is proactively committed to short and long term solutions.

In point of fact, this is a simple proforma for action on other antisocial behavioral patterns: aggressive education and promoting of safe driving, (auto accidents remain a major weapon in the destruction of life), stepped up efforts to wipe out drug-trafficking through relentless legal enforcement and public education, and in the avoidance of unforced errors that result in risks to our health.

Please consider sharing your views in the comments section of this blog whether or not you agree with these ideas.

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